How We Give Back


Your purchases with Jaded Body Butter changes the world by helping orphan children in Africa.  None of us can fix all the problems on our own, but when a little bit of money goes to the right place, a big difference can be made in someone else's life.

Your purchases help with the cost of medical care and equipment in remote parts of Africa where even a thermometer wouldn't be possible to check a baby's temperature.

Your purchases help with extra food on a regular basis in a very poor area of Congo where they would have no other means of support.

Your purchases help children be able to play in a much safer environment that some may feel should be natural.

Your purchases help teachers for the cost of school to help children obtain valuable life skills.  Like Miora who lives in Madagascar where she teaches young children is able to pay for this through your purchases.

We thank you for your support in helping us grow and helping us change the world with your purchases.


"Safety and security don’t just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."   ~ Nelson Mandela